Monday, November 29, 2010

The Last Letter

You know how people always talk about love letters? And how they live happily ever after? Well, mine is the last letter, and trust me, I'll never live happily ever after again. Why? Well, all stories have a beginning, and this is mine...

Alright, I wasn't born miserable. I had a perfectly happily life until like 5 months ago. I dated a boy which all the girls would wish they had, a happy family, no annoying siblings and perfect grades. But the thing is, all good stuff have to come to an end.

It was this really stormy night, and I was in my bedroom, right after dinner( mashed potato, grilled beef and brussel sprouts- blegh!) chatting with Tanya, my best friend. When this e-mail notification popped up, I opened it, thinking it would be yet another lovey-dovey love letter, or should I say e-mail, written by Samuel, my boyfriend. But when I opened it, my mind went blank.

Dear Renee,
I'm sorry but... I think we should have some time off. We've been dating for 1 and a half years already but nothing's come out of  it. I think I need some time to think. Let's break up.

Tears dripped down my cheeks like a waterfall( alright, I may be exaggerating a little). My heart was shattered into smithereens. Nothing wrong had happened between us! Why would he suddenly want to break up? Was there a third party? I started instant messaging Tanya, telling her about the big news

Tanya134: What?! oh no he did not! Don't waste your time and tears on him. He's not worth it. There are other fishes in the sea

I knew she was right, but something just stopped me from finding another person.

Renee_lovessamuel: I know you're right, but I really can't! Even though I wan't to so badly!

Three months passed, and Samuel and I had not contacted each other. Then, I decided to give in and swallow my pride. I went up to his house( he lives alone, rented the house), and knocked on the door. A beautiful lady answered it.

"yes? how may I help you?" she asked.
"May I speak to samuel?"
When I heard what she said, I just fell apart. It could not be! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!

renee_lovessamuel: Tanya, I went to look for Samuel today
Tanya134: really? What'd he say?
renee_lovessamuel: I didn't see him. A lady answered the door
Tanya134: what? a third party?
renee_lovessamuel: No... he's... he's... dead

So that's it. The break up was just to stop me from feeling too sad. He knew he was going to die soon, he wanted to ease my pain. If only I had swallowed my pride earlier. Now, it's too late...

Ask Haven

Okay, this one's asked by I Like Chuck

Dear Haven,
There;s this boy I like. I'll call him chuck. Anyway, my friend says that Chuck likes me too. But chuck never calls me! I call him like five times a day, plus I message him maybe ten times a day and email him too. But he NEVER calls, message OR email me back. Plus his Dad is starting to sound kind of angry when she picks up the phone. But how else am I supposed to keep in touch with him if he wont call me? Please help me.
I Like Chuck

Dear I Like Chuck,
the reason why Chuck isnt calling, messasging or emailing you back is because YOU NEVER GIVE HIM THE CHANCE! From your description, it sounds like your stalking chuck. Why not try this? Leave Chuck alone for a while and see if he calls you back. If he doesnt, maybe he's trying to tell you something?:)

What's this mad person talking about?

Alright, let's be honest. You guys must now be thinking in your minds" what's this mad person talking about? What can I do on this blog? " But hold on, I'm going to get right there. If you guys don't even know what this blog is about, just read this boring post. But I promise, the rest of the posts and stuff will be fun and interesting!!! I hope...

Anyways, is just a girl-next-door blog on love stories, real life situations, funny diaries, interaction with each other and STUFF. If you guys want to send in your stories, ask for advice or do whatever silly stuff, just send them to .

Before you think" what a waste of time, I'm just going to go to another site", I'm just going to say HAVE FUN and if you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to me at !

yay and hope you guys enjoy this site!!! It's a site for you guys to help me make it more interesting!!!!